netstat (rewrite): ------------------ :: SQL api (mysql.php) :: os specific things in different dir/ (shaper, arp command and so on) :: styles support :: Edit/Add users -> moved in one section -> Users :: more info for users.. added phone, address, style, service, comment .... :: Allowed IP - per user IP permissions to access netstat :: Shaper - create/edit/delete htb/cbq bassed classes and attach filters to users or ip address, match ip packets by ToS, generate copy/paste ready shell script and so on :: moved graph.php -> graph.cgi (perl) to avoid use of passthru() php command and avoid requirement of installed rrdtool (todor lazarov) :: now will work with php default settings - register_globals = Off (replacing everything with $_GET['xxxx'] and $_POST['xxxx']) :: Logins (per user seccessful and failed logins) :: adding users ip (users -> ip settings) :: new structure of language files requirements: ------------- apache + php + mysql perl + perl-rrds modules